NOSE 2021 Conference | Look into the captivating D-NOSES Partners Presentations

The 7th International Conference on ENVIRONMENTAL ODOUR MONITORING & CONTROL originally scheduled in Taormina, was held in pure virtual format. This world-class event provided very interesting programmes with the opportunity to exchange ideas with colleagues from all sectors, including academia and industry, and share presentations of the latest key innovations within Environmental Odour Monitoring & Control. Improving […]

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April 20, 2021 – April 22, 2021 The Water Environment Federation is a nonprofit association that provides technical education and training for thousands of water quality professionals who clean water and return it safely to the environment. WEF members have proudly protected public health, served their local communities and supported clean water worldwide since 1928. […]

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Citizen Science & SDGs Conference

Project partner ECSA recently was also a partner hosting the Citizen Science and SDG conference. It was hybrid event held online and at the Museum für Naturkundein in Berlin. It addressed topics around citizen science such as the contributions to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, e.g. good health and well-being, quality education, life on land and below water. D-NOSES partners participated in the conference with presentations on how the methodology can improve health and well being, and the role of the international odour observatory as a platform to engage the quadruple helix stakeholders. […]

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Kampala Noses pilot launch

We are pleased to share this invitation to the ‘Effective local action on Odour for Kampala’ Conference, part of the launch of Kampala NOSES Network for Odour Sensing Empowerment and Sustainability. Kampala NOSES is a pilot project that seeks to introduce novel ways with which to monitor and record odour issues across Kampala, with a longer term vision of implementing new environmental reporting and governance mechanisms that are accessible to all. […]

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