Advisory Board
The project has an advisory board who are a great source of advice and reflection on the course and ambitions of the project. Our team is grateful for the very kind contribution of their time. The D-NOSES consortium has the honor of having the following distinguished international professionals in its advisory board:
- Mr. Alexandre Juras (UNEP, Kenya)
- Ms. Carole Excelle (World Resources Institute)
- Mr. Moh Redjali (Mediterranean Circle of Parliamentarians for Sustainable Development COMPSUD, Morocco)
- Dr. Tom O. Okurut (National Environment Management Authority; NEMA, Uganda)
- Ms. Andrea Sanhueza (CEPAL, Chile)
- Prof. Stephen Stec (Central European University)
- Ms. Glòria Sànchez (Directorate of Waste Prevention and Management, AMB; Metropolitan Area of Barcelona)
- Prof. Carlos Borrego (Universidade de Aveiro)
- Mr. Nuno Lacasta / Mr. Abel Pedro Antonio Martins (Portuguese environment agency, APA)
- Mr. Nuno Banza (Environmental Inspectorate Portugal, IGAMAOT)
Advisory Board Member Profiles

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
What’s your institution’s mission?
To provide leadership and encourage partnership in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing, and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations.
What’s your role in the project?
To support with UN Environment a process that is geared to enhance certain aspects of the application of Principle 10.
What’s your motivation?
Own expertise, access to other experts, access to international processes, access to civil society, dissemination of information and outreach.

World Resources Institute (WRI)
What’s your institution’s mission?
WRI’s mission is to move human society to live in ways that protect Earth’s environment and its capacity to provide for the needs and aspirations of current and future generations. WRI develops research-based solutions that create real change on the ground. We rely on a three-step approach: Count it, Change it, Scale it.
What’s your role in the project?
Focus on how environmental transparency, participation and accountability can drive change at different scales as it relates to pollution.
What’s your motivation?
Link partners to our expert Access Initiative partners and ongoing campaigns, provide advice on action based research and to make it count, understand how to use power mapping and advocacy as a tool in addition to scientific research.

Portuguese Environment Agency (APA)
What’s your institution’s mission?
Propose, develop and monitor, on an integrated and participated manner, the public policies for the environment and sustainable development, in close cooperation with other sectoral policies and public and private entities.
What’s your role in the project?
Raise awareness in odour pollution and collect practical guidelines for policy making.
What’s your motivation?
As expert on atmospheric emissions legislation, and knowing the odour problem from the perspective of the citizen can help to create legal linkages to the revision of current legislation.

What’s your institution’s mission?
Audits and Inspections on public and private companies in the areas of intervention.
What’s your role in the project?
IGAMAOT receives several complaints regarding odours from a lot of targets.
What’s your motivation?
Sharing experience about sectors where complaints come from and the way how they are managed.

What’s your institution’s mission?
Propose, develop and monitor, on an integrated and participated manner, the public policies for the environment and sustainable development, in close cooperation with other sectoral policies and public and private entities.
What’s your role in the project?
Raise awareness in odour pollution and collect practical guidelines for policy making.
What’s your motivation?
As expert on atmospheric emissions legislation, and knowing the odour problem from the perspective of the citizen can help to create legal linkages to the revision of current legislation.