“The D-NOSES project at a glance” is the first webinar of the D-NOSES Conference on Odour Management and Citizen Science. After honourable opening remarks by EC representatives, the D-NOSES project will be introduced as an innovative methodology to tackle odour pollution through citizen science. The need of a multi-level governance model and a multi-level engagement model will be discussed, as well as the D-NOSES engagement model and project tools. Further, 10 citizen science interventions at local level to monitor and improve odour issues will be presented. Finally, the D-NOSES Exploitation and Sustainability Plan will be described.
This webinar is organised within the framework of the D-NOSES project, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 789315.
More about the speakers : click here.
Morning presentations (slides): click here.
Afternoon presentations (slides): click here.