European Week for waste reduction 2019 in Sofia - School kids program 2

Sofia Pilot Update

The Sofia Pilot focuses on the optimisation of food waste collection around the city to reduce odour nuisance, and it has been a busy few months there with plenty of D-NOSES and citizen science activities crossing over into the new decade. Reaching out to the stakeholders is an important part of any sustainable solution, and a core part of the quadruple helix based approach that brings together policy makers, odour experts, researchers and citizens. […]

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Launch of the first Pilots

Our first five pilot cases have begun! The cases were carefully selected to demonstrate the power of citizen science and the ability of the D-NOSES to get results in different settings. The cases include different types of emitter sources, such as from waste management, industry, and agriculture. They also include different contexts, such as residential encroachment of industrial areas, process optimization, and environmental pollution control. […]

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