Environmental Pollution at the Royal Docks in London?
Join MfC to learn more about how the D-NOSES project can help citizens to tackle odour and air pollution issues around the Royal Docks in London. […]
Join MfC to learn more about how the D-NOSES project can help citizens to tackle odour and air pollution issues around the Royal Docks in London. […]
One the crucial functions of the D-NOSES project is to support Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration by providing access to information about odour pollution issues. The audience requiring this access will inevitably be citizens with little knowledge and inteterest in science and databases. Which makes it essential to present the data in a manner that is both digestable and useful, so that readers can understand the issues, and search for appropriate solutions. […]
The International Odour Observatory is the first platform co-created by a wide range of stakeholders with the aim to put odour pollution on the map. Our odour experts are currently working on the scientific contents, while our engagement experts are developing the engagement framework and the usability of the platform. The Observatory will become a one-stop-shop for all stakeholders that would like to be involved in participatory odour management activities in their own area. […]
The D-NOSES partner consortium met in person for the second time during the project in Zaragoza – home to the D-NOSES Project Coordinator and host of this meeting, Ibercivis Foundation – between 17-19th September. […]