Category: Uncategorized

Newsletter – Inclusiveness and SDGs
D-NOSES cannot do more to resolve this crisis than show appreciation for those that can, but citizen science is about using the power and spirit of communities to improve their circumstances. Specifically, D-NOSES is about defending the direct environment in which we live and spend most of our time – our homes, our neighbourhoods, our cities. Not against a direct threat like the current virus, but against odours that can be a pervasive problem with nonetheless significant health and economic effects. Odour problems that unfortunately tend to single out and victimize disproportionately the weakest among our societies. […]

International Odour Observartory
The international odour observatory is the first observatory at a global level dedicated to providing access to odour related information. This is an initiative by D-NOSES, a citizen science project led by the Ibercivis foundation, with the goal to help communities who are affected by odour issues. The ultimate aim is to involve all stakeholders, including local authorities, odour-emitting industries, and odour experts in finding common sense solutions. The observatory includes information about odours, odour regulations, odour data collection, and possible mitigation strategies that can be used to improve the situation.