The D-NOSES methodology offers an alternative and complementary approach to traditional methods for odour measurement and issues management. Like all other methods it has certain qualities that make it more, or less suitable for any particular setting. So, when is the D-NOSES methodology most appropriate?

This is one of the questions that this project has tried to answer, not just in an analytical, but also in an empirical sense through the pilot case studies.

So far, we have identified several key properties of the methodology that are important to keep in mind when considering how to tackle a new odour issue:

Create transparent data of real time impact

The methodology produces transparent and easily accessible data for all stakeholders on actual impact. This has a beneficial effect as all those involved can confront the reality of the current situation at the moment rather than relying on studies that might have shown previous snapshots of the situation or been undertaken behind closed doors. This approach is particularly effective when real-time odour observations can be linked to operations at the source, helping  to deliver smarter strategies to mitigate impacts.

Investigate multiple odour sources

The methodology was expected to be, and in practice has been successful in separating the level of impact from multiple odour sources. It has proven valuable to be able to say which source is causing the most impact so that mitigation efforts can be better targeted to efficiently reduce the level of problems experienced in the community. The track and trace possibilities built into the method include retro-trajectory modelling and the ability to confirm odour events using proximity and odour quality measurements.

Stakeholder engagement and co-creation

Each situation and social context can have its own unique characteristics and dynamics that need to be addressed. The methodology is based on creating a constructive context within which stakeholders can investigate any number of odour related problems and solutions. This can be particularly helpful in situations where there are no regulations or existing frameworks have failed to produce an acceptable outcome. Engaging the quadruple helix stakeholders in each stage of the process has been proven to increase understanding between the parties involved and improve the symbiotic relationship between citizens, industry and local government.

Finally, it is important to note that the built-in flexibility is a key aspect of the methodology.One of the lessons learnt has been that how you get the stakeholders to the table is just as important as what you do when you get them there. In this regard, the methodology helps enormously by setting up the intervention together with all stakeholders. That way they can all have ownership of the process and engage in a constructive and balanced way.