D-NOSES Project - First year progress and updates
We’ve come a long way in six months! Read on to hear the exciting progress we’ve made on the Odour Observatory, our pilot cases and find out about upcoming D-NOSES events and how you can participate.

In this newsletter:
- The International Odour Observatory – Coming soon!
- Pilots – launch and selection
- All about the new D-NOSES video
- Announcing the new Policy Brief
- New D-NOSES deliverables
- Events – where D-NOSES has been, and where it is going …
The Odour Collect App Ready!
The Odour Collect App is ready for use.
The Odour Observatory platform will be supported by our Odour Collect App, now in its second version, which will help to create collaborative maps of real-time odour observations. The app makes it easy to report odours that residents come across in their daily lives, across their community, and co-create maps of issues in their local area.

International Odour Observatory – Coming soon!
The International Odour Observatory is the first platform co-created by a wide range of stakeholders with the aim to put odour pollution on the map. Our odour experts are currently working on the scientific contents, while our engagement experts are developing the engagement framework and the usability of the platform. The Observatory will become a one-stop-shop for all stakeholders that would like to be involved in participatory odour management activities in their own area.
Pilots – launch and selection
Our first five pilot cases have begun! The cases were carefully selected to demonstrate the power of citizen science and the ability of the D-NOSES to get results in different settings. The cases include different types of emitter sources, such as from waste management, industry, and agriculture. They also include different contexts, such as residential encroachment of industrial areas, process optimization, and environmental pollution control.

The new D-NOSES video
D-NOSES has a new video!
How much do we know about odours? And what about odour pollution? Under-regulation and lack of general awareness on this matter have been the main incentive for the development of the D-NOSES project. This introductory video shows how pressing the problem of odour pollution is around the world and in which way citizens, together with industries, local authorities and odour experts, can achieve new solutions to manage this problem locally and globally
Announcing the new Policy Brief
The complexity of the odour pollution question can make it difficult for stakeholders to fully grasp the issues. To support local decision-makers, emitting industries and affected citizens in understanding the key facts, D-NOSES has published a policy brief entitled “Odour pollution – A growing societal concern”. The aim is to give readers a short, four-page introduction to the issues and explain the practical value of the proposed D-NOSES solution.

Project Deliverables
The first year of the project has seen much research and analysis being done by our partners. Some of the results can be seen in the deliverables which are available to download:
Where we have been ... and where we are going!

The D-NOSES team has been very active in the last six months; holding an Odour Training at Ecomondo 2018 where visitors learned how to identify and categorise different odours; our partners IBERCIVIS and Ideas for Change held a Citizen Science Safari in Barcelona, where locals and their children learned about the odours affecting their neighbourhoods and how they could be resolved; and our Project Co-ordinator Rosa Arias participated as a Scientific Advisor at “Science in the Parliament” in the Climate Change and Energy Futures portion at the Spanish Parliament. Check out our upcoming events below to join us next time!
Events and Activities
Come and meet some of the D-NOSES team! D-NOSES will be at the following events in the coming months:
- European GeoSciences General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 7 April 2019
- International Conference on Odours, Aviero, Portugal, 16-17 May 2019
- Austrian Citizen Science Association Conference, Obergurgl, Austria, 26-28 June 2019
- The 8th IWA Odour & VOC/Air Emissions Conference, Hangzhou, China, 14-17 October 2019
- VDI- Fachtagung Gerühe in der Umwelt, Bremen, Germany, 20-21 November 2019