Envirometrics Technical Consultants Ltd
Envirometrics is a private company based in Greece, which provides services in 11 countries around the region. The main areas of activity are environmental monitoring and measurements, health and safety at work, and business consulting with a special focus on energy, carbon management and climate change. The company holds a valid EN ISO 17025 accreditation in all EU and EA-MLA signatory countries and is ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certified. Its multidisciplinary team with over 10 years of scientific, technical expertise and experience in the field of emissions monitoring, air quality and environmental management has previously worked in several odour monitoring projects in solid waste treatment plants, wastewater treatment plant and refineries.

Name: Apostolos Siskos
Function: Co-Founder Envirometrics
Mr. Apostolos Siskos has more than 15 years working experience (local and international) in emission monitoring, air quality (including odours), GHG verification, climate change adaptation and mitigation. He has worked and managed multidisciplinary teams on a local and international level providing services to industries in different sectors (solid and wastewater management plants, refineries, power plants, secondary metal production, etc) on permitting requirements, BREFs/BAT, air quality, environmental and energy audits. Apostolos is fluent in English and Greek, has excellent communication and negotiation skills and has worked also with local authorities in Greece on odour incidents / citizen complaints.

Name: Konstantinos (Kostas) Antoniadis
Function: Co-Founder Envirometrics
Mr. Konstantinos (Kostas) Antoniadis is Director of the Business Consulting Dprt / Business Development. He holds a Chemical Engineering diploma from the NTU Athens. He is a Quality & Environmental Auditor. He has an over 18 years’ experience, has been working with multidisciplinary teams on a local and international level providing services in more than 250 projects on development of Management Systems, environmental audits, GHG verification, emission monitoring and air quality, QA/QC, climate change adaptation and mitigation projects, energy efficiency and audits in 11 countries. Kostas is fluent in English and Greek, has excellent communication and negotiation skills.

Name: Kleio Platymesi
Function: Senior Environmental Consultant. She
Ms. Kleio Platymesi graduated from the Department of Chemistry of the University of Athens and holds a MSc. from Aix-Marseille Université. She is responsible for the accredited air quality laboratory of ENVIROMETRICS and responsible for QA/QC issues. As a member of the Environmental protection and consulting department she has participated in several environmental projects (air quality, odours, waste, climate change etc.) of the company, working with industries in different sectors (solid and wastewater management plants, refineries, power plants, secondary metal production, etc) on permitting requirements, BREFs/BAT, air quality, GHG Verification and climate change adaptation and mitigation. Kleio is fluent in English, French and Greek, has excellent communication and negotiation skill and has worked also with local authorities in Greece on air quality projects.

Name: Stavros Vlachos
Function: Technical Manager
Mr. Stavros Vlachos has more than 10 years’ experience in air quality, emission monitoring, waste management and climate change. He is a Chemical Engineer of NTUA and holds a MSc. in Business Management from Imperial College London. As a senior environmental consultant, he has been working with multidisciplinary teams on a local and international level providing services to industries in different sectors (solid and wastewater management plants, refineries, power plants, secondary metal production, etc) on permitting requirements, BREFs/BAT, air quality, environmental audits, GHG Verification and climate change adaptation and mitigation. Stavros is fluent in English and Greek, has excellent communication and negotiation skill and has worked on HORIZON 2020 project as an expert.

Name: Vasiliki Sideri
Function: Project Manager
Ms. Vasiliki Sideri graduated from the Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia, department of Environmental and Geotechnology Engineer and holds a MSc. in Waste Management. Since 2008 she is coordinating environmental projects (air quality, odours, waste, climate change, emission monitoring etc.) with multidisciplinary teams on a local and international level, working with industries in different sectors (solid and wastewater management plants, refineries, power plants, secondary metal production, etc) on permitting requirements, BREFs/BAT, air quality, GHG Verification and climate change adaptation and mitigation. Vasiliki is fluent in English and Greek, has excellent communication and negotiation skill and has worked also with local authorities in Greece on odour incidents / citizen complaints.