European Citizen Science Association
The European Citizen Science Association is a non-profit association set up to encourage the growth of the Citizen Science movement in Europe in order to enhance the participation of the general public in scientific processes, mainly by initiating and supporting citizen science projects as well as performing research on citizen science. ECSA has established a broad network of organizations from 27 EU countries, as well as Turkey, Israel, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Argentina, Ecuador and Brazil; and in various sectors including: NGOs, universities, research institutes, museums, civil society organizations, SMEs, policy and decision makers, as well as other local and national institutions. The NGO has already been involved in a number of H2020 and related projects such as DITOs: Doing It Together Science; LandSense, A Citizen Observatory and Innovation Marketplace for Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) Monitoring; COST Action CA15212 Citizen Science; and BürGer schaffen WISSen (GEWISS), a German Citizen Science Project platform.

Name: Simone Rüfenacht (Birrer)
Function: Citizen Science expert and Project Officer
Simone is responsible for the citizen science and advocacy components of the D-NOSES project. She will also conduct the German case study for D-NOSES. Simone has a PhD in ecology and has experience in working in large collaborative projects with academic and industrial partners.

Name: Giulia Melilli
Function: Student Assistant (ECSA)
Giulia supports the ECSA team in all aspects of the D-NOSES project, specifically the German case study. Giulia graduated in Urban and Regional Planning at IUAV of Venice and is now completing an International Master Program in Environmental Planning at TU Berlin. Meanwhile, Giulia also works with a Cultural Association to promote sustainable behaviours.