APEA Portuguese Association of Environmental Engineering
APEA is a non-profit association consisting of about 2600 environmental engineering professionals associated with public utility status. APEA represents the Portuguese network of professionals working in the Environment sector and its goal is to contribute to the progress of Environmental Engineering. The Association promotes cooperation among its members, protecting the interests of Environmental Professionals; promotes recognition and dissemination of Environmental Engineering in their specific scientific and technical characteristics and fosters the progress of knowledge and the development of Environmental Engineering and its teaching. APEA is actively facilitating exchanges with similar national and foreign associations, brings the best available techniques and practices of the environmental sector to the professionals and students, and organizes a number of events to disseminate information about the most important environmental issues.

Name: Pedro Fonseca Santos.
Function: President of the Board at APEA,
Pedro has 18 years of experience in national and international Project management and participation, including the organization of national congresses, conferences, seminars, workshops, etc. on several issues related with environmental engineering and sustainable development. He has long standing working relations (co-organisations, stakeholder consultations and cooperation) with the main environmental institutions active at the national level. At APEA he coordinates the Working Group on Energy and Climate Change and is the Presidente of the APEA bi-annuals
National Congress on Environmental Engineering and National Congress on Climate Change. He is also the founder and executive director of two consulting companies working mainly in the area of energy management systems (ISO 50001), circular economy, smart cities and funding and management of innovation projects (Horizon 2020 and Portugal 2020).