This section includes all public project deliverables prepared by the D-NOSES partners as part of the requirements of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 789315.
D1.6 Data Management Plan
The objective of this report is to present the first version of the Data Management Plan for the D-NOSES Project. The main goal of the Data Management Plan is to provide an analysis of the main elements of the data management policy that the consortium will use. To create this DMP we are following the guidelines provided by the European Commission on FAIR Data Management in Horizon 2020, some aspects related to the conclusions generated by the JRC Technical Report Survey report: data management in Citizen Science Projects and others documents collected in the references.
D2.1 Review on odour pollution, odour measurement, abatement techniques
This document provides an overview and description of the different methods and techniques that can be used in the measurement and abatement of odour pollution.
D2.2 Analysis of existing regulation in odour pollution, odour impact criteria 1
This document provides an overview of odour regulations in eight European countries and in Chile.
D2.3 Compilation of Good Practices in Odour Pollution
This report presents the first compilation of good practices in odour pollution led by the quadruple helix of stakeholders within the framework of the D-NOSES project.
D2.4 Analysis of existing regulations in odour pollution, odour impact criteria 2
This document provides an overview of odour regulations in several countries around the world. We have tried to focus on existing odour regulation around the world, including the new advances in some countries where there is not an official legislation yet, but they are working on it, like the case of Chile.
D2.5 Compilation of Good Practices in Odour Pollution
One of the aims of the D-NOSES project is to promote good practices in odour pollution, led by quadruple helix actors , which can be used as positive examples for project replicability. As a first step, we decided to discuss the practices to manage odour emissions described in the Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Documents (BREF) documents, which are the technical reference for all industrial sectors in Europe. Such documents are not specific for odours; however, because odours are now recognized as atmospheric pollutants, most of the BREF documents published in recent years include specific reference to odour pollution and to techniques for the reduction of odour emissions. Moreover, we tried to collect some examples of real application of good practices from the Consortium partners.
D2.6 Review on odour pollution and its relationship with chemical compounds and health issues
This document provides an overview of the chemical compounds in the odour emissions from different plants, with the purpose of identifying the most “critical” compounds from the point of view of their potential toxicity, and provide a list of those compounds, which should effectively be investigated more carefully during monitoring activities. The study was focused on those odour-emitting activities, which also typically cause worries related to potential health effects, i.e. foundries, landfills and refineries.
D4.1 Map of odour issues and priorities. Multilevel engagement plan for stakeholders and communities
This document provides a preliminary mapping of communities affected by odour pollution in eight European countries and in Chile, and presents a conceptual framework for supporting stakeholders in planning and conducting citizen science interventions aimed at tackling odour problems.
D5.3 Green Paper on Odour Pollution
The Green Paper on Odour Pollution is a policy document that aims to place odour pollution in the policy agendas by providing recommendations to better tackle the issue and move towards an improved regulatory framework in Europe.
D6.2 Standardizing the monitoring of odour pollution through citizen science: the experience in Spain
The D-NOSES project has been a great push to the methodologies for assessing odour impact, allowing to go beyond the state-of-the-art by introducing citizen science for real time monitoring from the receptors’ point of view.
D6.3 DIY guidelines for citizen science projects in odour-conflicted communities
These guidelines aim to support citizen science projects operating in odour-conflicted communities. They are DIY guidelines – helping you to ‘do it yourself’ – and offer tested tools and practical tips for running projects and adapting them to different contexts.
D6.5 Strategic Roadmap for Governance in Odour Pollution
The Roadmap for Governance in Odour Pollution positions objectives and strategies to pave the way for future regulations in odour pollution in the medium and long term.
D7.3 D-NOSES Events 1
This document provides a description of the use of events to promote the work and activities of the project in the first period of the project.
D7.4 MOOC on Odour Pollution
The D-NOSES MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on Odour Pollution was developed by the educational team of MIO-ECSDE in cooperation with the D-NOSES partners. This MOOC offers open access to information on the issue of odour pollution, in line with Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration (1992), and aims to empower citizens and stimulate public participation in odour monitoring processes – a central element of the D-NOSES project. The MOOC has been developed applying a participatory approach and is based on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) principles and gender inclusiveness. It lasts approximately three hours and leads to a certificate of completion.
D7.5 D-NOSES Events 2
This document provides a description of the use of events to promote the work and activities of the project in the second period of the project.